Monday, August 24, 2020

Blue Remembered Hills Essay

The plot and foundation Set in the West nation (Devonshire/Cornwall) in 1943, the dramatist Dennis Potter investigates the awful childhoods of 7 little youngsters. Initially composed for TV in 1979, the play follows seven multi year olds through a real day of their lives. As the play happens in ‘real time’ the entire thing is naturalistic and there are no non naturalistic methods, for example, flashbacks or other dramatic gadgets to jump to various occasions. The play is set in an animal dwellingplace, a wood and a field on a summer’s evening. Over the two hour time frame the companions play and quarrel, especially deceiving a kid whom they call ‘Donald Duck’, the play peaks when this character is kept separate from games and exercises by his friends and along these lines chooses to play his own game†¦ a round of arsonist tendencies! Characters As I said before the play is ‘totally’ naturalistic, anyway there is one noteworthy special case: the writer Dennis Potter demanded that grown-up on-screen characters were cast to depict the youngsters. He felt that if youngsters were utilized the crowd would lose the ‘true meaning’ of the story inside the compassion that they would feel for the kid on-screen characters. The Boys John: Looks after Raymond, reasonable, frequently challenges Peter. Subside: Bully, exceptionally solid, isn't extremely sharp. Raymond: Has a stammer, extremely delicate and touchy, is dressed as a rancher. Willie: Intelligent and he utilizes this to defeat Peter’s harassing, is accommodating The Girls Angela: Very bossy, pretty and extremely coy for a multi year old, egotistical. Audrey: Always attempting to be Angela’s companion, plain, eclipsed by Angela. The person in question Donald Duck: Boys don’t like him without a doubt, young ladies permit him to play ‘house’ with them. Lonely as everybody insults and menaces him. He is mishandled. Significant concealed characters Wallace Wilson: class menace, hear parcels about him yet never really observe him. Donald Ducks mother: Abuses him, has influence towards Donald’s sadness and arsonist tendencies. Grown-up Actors Dennis Potter concluded that for his play he needed to cast grown-up on-screen characters to play the pieces of the youngsters, for the most part in view of the audience’s response to the plot. He felt that the crowd would lose the ‘true meanings’ of the play, as they would identify with youngster entertainers. Potter contemplated how kid conduct separates when being viewed by a crowd of people, while grown-ups would honestly depict their feelings. My supposition As I would like to think I imagine that Dennis Potters throwing decision was an extremely terrible choice. I consider the to be as all the more a ‘joke’ than a genuine bit of show. The grown-up on-screen characters don't look like kids, yet rather grown-ups with mental troubles, as a result of this I trust ‘Potter’ has done precisely what he needed to dodge and removed the ‘true meaning’ from the play. Exercise 1 In our first exercise we started by investigating playing kids, from belly to 2 years of age. We killed the lights to concentrate on the subjects of depression and to concentrate on really creating in the mother’s belly. I started in a tucked shape as foetus’ do we at that point turned the light on to speak to the birth. Starting here we were children and babies growing step by step from 0-2 yrs. Instances of non-verbal communication mindfulness Embryo: still, in a tucked position. Infant: slight development of appendages visual and sound as it were. 3 months: As above, slight development of head-side to side to investigate environmental factors †visual and sound as it were. 6-9 months: As above, ready to turn over somewhat visual sound and sensation. 12-year and a half: Able to lift head alone and bolster self. Development of all body parts currently happening †visual, sound and sensation. 18 two years: slithering to investigate environmental factors physically; Using articles to pull selves up. It is at this age we felt that we would be equipped for interfacing with different entertainers, by both voice and non-verbal communication. I and Connie decided to play run of the mill youth exercises (applauding games and pulling hair) and quarreling. We at that point proceeded with our youth investigations by precipitously ad libbing a study hall scene. My dramatization instructor went about as a year 3 educator and my companions and I as the year 3 class. We as a whole interfaced well with one another making cliché characters and circumstances Our errand was to manufacture a ‘den’ in rivalry with the other group. We utilized stacked organizing to go about as a pinnacle and I played a princess. We picked a fantasy situation to depict youth creative mind. This likewise helped us keep up high vitality levels which are obligatory for playing kids. We utilized fitting jargon, for example, ‘founded that firsted tho’ and ‘you are the bestest’ to show the effortlessness of children’s language at 7 years of age. We extemporized contentions with both our own gathering and our adversaries over props and dispersing. We additionally decided to consolidate a fantasy storyline into it and take a rival from the other group prisoner. We additionally demonstrated how our states of mind changed rapidly for example dropping out and afterward making up once more. As I was acting I could discover numerous likenesses in my own and others exhibitions in contrast with ‘Blue Remembered Hills’ characters. Hayley(me): Very like Angela. I stayed situated at the highest point of our imagine towers dishing orders out and by and large being extremely bossy. I likewise depicted her coquettish side by settling a line between 2 young men over who might be my sovereign â€Å"why don’t you both be rulers then you can both kiss me!† This connects to Angela on the grounds that she is additionally bossy and coy. Warren: fundamentally the same as Raymond. He remained well away from the contentions and rather decided to play alone with his imagine weapons. Sophie: fundamentally the same as Audrey. Sponsored up all that I said (Angela). Held doll when I was climbing and so forth. Needed consideration continually. Assessment I think my presentation as a multi year old was carefully conceived. I utilized suitable non-verbal communication (free and wild) and voice (piercing and noisy) to depict my ideal character. I think my presentation was firmly impacted by my multi year old sibling and multi year old sister. I figured out how to keep in job by keeping my vitality levels high to feel increasingly like my character. I delighted in this exhibition despite the fact that I ordinarily disdain unconstrained extemporization errands. I figured out the fact that it is so imperative to keep up vitality levels and force when proceeding as youngsters, I firmly accept that this exhibition has helped me get the vibe and get ready for youth exhibitions in the Blue Remembered Hills scenes. Exercise 2 Character investigation and Still picture In our second exercise we were to play out a pretend, reenacting a chose scene from the play. This was to permit us to feel for the characters and acclimate ourselves with their relationship with one another. I chose the scene with Angela, Andrea and Donald Duck in the horse shelter. We decided to organize this in the round to depict Donald’s confinement, the ’round empowered the crowd feel near us acting ‘feeling’ the pressure. We utilized proper proxemics. There were an assortment of attributes to my job. It is in this scene that pitiable misrepresentation is utilized a ton as Donald’s feelings are depicted by the dingy, battered animal dwellingplace. Physicalisation As I was filling the role of Angela I knew that her own qualities would be totally different to my own. I knew about Angela’s bossy, controlling ways from past exercises. To depict her attributes I did the accompanying things: This stance demonstrated that I was presumptuous. As should be obvious I had hold of the child the entire time, in spite of the fact that it was a powerful method to depict status and authority it especially helped me by limiting me with my hand motions. I threatened Donald toward the finish of the scene by utilizing situating and development to further my potential benefit. > I utilized great levels to show status > Positioned my body as somebody with certainty would > Used exceptionally static and vigorous development to adjust to a 7 yr olds qualities. I additionally utilized development adequately while threatening Donald. I hovered him to show how my character controls the scene. I utilized focusing which is a decent method to show a character truly. As this implies my character is governed by a specific piece of the body, I decided to utilize the arm holding the child. At the point when I strolled, this arm would lead and so forth. This additionally accentuated my status due to having the doll. My outward appearances changed all through the scene principally in light of the topics and feelings shifting. My outward appearances consistently depicted my hubris: which is my arrogance. For instance concern ‘Oh dear. Poor, poor Donald’ (indicated from content) My demeanor was intrigued and demonstrated that my consideration was exclusively on Donald. This demonstrated the mindful and innovative side to Angela : I was likewise the ‘mommy’ which may have urged me to over-overstate. Another model Anger and terrorizing â€Å"Quack, Quack, Quack† (meant from the content). My demeanor was exceptionally strong and disappointed. This indicated my frightful streak. Picked prop in scene: Doll Evident decision as it helped me adjust to my character and her age. It helped me with my Physicalisation by limiting my body to specific developments. Helped me depict my position, Associations with others Angela gives her position over Audrey and more than once gets her own particular manner. â€Å"Course I be. I got the babby, aint I? It chunt your doll, Audrey† This discourse depicts the expert in their fellowship. The way that Angela has the doll and is hence ready to play the mother demonstrates how she has everything Audrey needs. Angela additionally gets a great deal of consideration from the young men which is the reason she gets envious and disappointed when Audrey gets the consideration from

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Writing the Conclusion of an Essay

Writing the Conclusion of an EssayThe purpose of writing the conclusion of an essay is to tie up all of the strands of the preceding sections. This should happen at the end of the entire essay. By the end of the essay, you want the reader to be convinced that he or she needs to continue the story and not think about what to do next.The conclusion of an essay is sometimes referred to as the introduction. It can consist of a preface, a body, or the final paragraph. The conclusion is used to offer a closing statement or conclusion to your essay. It should include the topic of the entire essay, its main points, and a concluding statement of why it was written.The conclusion should also contain the purpose for writing the entire essay. The purpose should be easy to understand. The reader should feel that he or she needed to continue on to the beginning of the essay, or perhaps just continue on reading it in order to gain a better understanding of the essay's topic. The conclusion should a lso be able to satisfy a demand that is commonly made by the reader. For example, the reader may want to know if he or she should continue on to the next part of the essay.In order to write the conclusion of an essay, there are a few things you must do. First, the outline should be written out. A rough outline will provide you with a starting point when it comes to writing the conclusion of an essay. Once the outline is written, it will give you a jump off point when you need to move the narrative on to the conclusion.Second, you must choose the conclusion that is going to help satisfy the demand that the reader has. For example, if the reader wants to know what to do next, he or she is probably asking you to give some sort of advice. If the answer to this question is given, the conclusion is often known as the final paragraph. By giving some kind of advice, you are able to keep the reader going to the beginning of the essay.Third, you must be prepared for the fact that you may have to stop writing the essay at some point. You can choose to break your essay into two parts or possibly even break the entire essay down into several smaller paragraphs. When breaking the essay down into pieces, you will be able to take your time and then write each section of the essay separately. Your final essay will be a much better and more concise piece.Finally, you should always look at the conclusion before you start writing the entire essay. You can look at the conclusion to see if there is anything that you may have omitted from the beginning of the essay. You may have forgotten to mention something important that should have been included in the beginning.In order to effectively finish an essay, you should always have a plan when you are writing. When you have an outline for your essay, a good outline can keep you from having to stop and re-write sections of your essay and can keep you focused on the beginning and ending.

Friday, July 17, 2020

Babysitter Resume Template, Examples, Complete Guide

Babysitter Resume Template, Examples, Complete Guide Nowadays, the business environment is very dynamic and people sometimes need to work multiple jobs in order to feed their families.Therefore, it is very hard to have children and take care of them, especially for parents who both have demanding jobs.However, there are a lot of freelance babysitters and professional babysitter agencies that offer such services. Parents can simply hire some of them and be sure their children will be taken care of.That would really help them concentrate on their work and even get out on a romantic dinner or party from time to time.On the other hand, it is a good way for younger girls, who need some extra money, to learn new things and get some experience.However, as in any other job, the competition is fierce and it is hard to get the job unless you stand out in some way.One good way to do that is to make a good resume, which will stand out of the crowd and highlight your personal skills.If you are here because you need career advice on getting some res ume help and objective, make sure to stay and read what we had prepared for you.Before we get on with that though, let’s take a moment and see what are the most important questions every good resume should answer:How to stand out of the crowd with your resume?What are the main points of each resume?Should I use a generated template or make my own template?What is the optimal resume size?So, in other words, in order to make your resume look perfect, you have to answer all these questions while making it. Don’t worry, we are going to help you with that.One thing that is sure, is that good resume would make you be different than all other candidates.People often write the same generic things, either because they are lazy to invest some time in making a good resume, or they simply don’t have anything creative to add.Apart from that, having a good resume would also help the company recruiters to get to know you a bit before they invite you to an interview.That would allow them to p repare themselves and ask the right questions.Before we start with the guide on how to make a perfect resume, we are going to show you how a perfect babysitter resume should look.Then, we are going to analyze every part of the resume and discuss what should and what shouldn’t be included in each of them.After all that, we will finish with some general tips and tricks that could prove useful if you decide to make your own resume.If you think it is too much for you, we have another solution. You can simply use our resume template generator. Without keeping you out of the loop anymore, let’s start with the guide.Babysitter Resume Example: Christina Right and heres another great example for a babysitter resume.Babysitter Resume Example: Cindy Right Create your own resumeGUIDE ON WRITING THE PERFECT PERSONAL INFO SECTION FOR BABYSITTER CVThe first step in making a good resume is, of course, making a good first impression.You can do that by having a good ice breaker, which is in this case, your personal info section of the resume.In this section, you should write something about yourself, personal details, contact, add some photo, email address, etc.One thing to note here is that you shouldn’t make it too big, since the entire resume shouldn’t be longer than one or two pages, in order to keep your resume looks professional.Now that we set some ground rules, let’s focus on every individual detail in the personal info section, so you could be sure what information to share and what format to use in order to properly write it.Full nameWhen you meet someone for the first time, it is common to say your name and introduce yourself to them.There is no difference when it comes to resumes as well. Your resume is your business card, so you should share some important personal information that could be useful to recruiters.A very important thing to note is that you should never use any nicknames, but rather use your full name like shown in the example below.Christina Haldane RightChristina “Bunny” Haldane WrongIntroducing yourself with your full name, or in some countries with only your surname is very professional.Including any nicknames in the process would be considered highly immature and unprofessional, which is what you are trying o avoid since no one would want to hire that kind of people.ProfessionAfter you have presented yourself with your real name, you should share your previous or current job title, as well as the job position you want to apply for.That way, you give a signal to recruiters and inform them if you have some experience or not in the respected field.PhotoMost jobs don’t require that you post some photo.However, it is always a good thing to do so, whether they ask or not because it would make your resume look more professional.However, this doesn’t mean that you should put just any photo. Random photos from Facebook or Instagram are not good for that.You have to post some photo, where you look professional, in order to increase your chances of getting the job.So, dress up nice, make your hair look good, and take a picture that would present the best side of you.Phone numberApart from an email address, sharing your phone number is very important when you decide to apply for some job.Even though you will usually apply via email, some recruiters prefer to talk to candidates over the phone, in order to get a better picture of their abilities and manners.This is especially true for certain jobs, like in call centers.Also, having multiple contact options is a very good idea, since email messages tend to get lost from time to time. Because of that, it is always a good idea to have multiple contact options.AddressHome address is usually not required by most emplo yers.However, it is never a mistake to put it in your resume. Sometimes, it can really be useful.Recruiters could offer you paid transport or even send you to a closer working place if the company has several in your area.E-Mail AddressAs mentioned above, the most important personal information you need to put in your resume is your email address.It is the primary way of communication between recruiters and candidates, as well as between employers and employees.Therefore, you shouldn’t fail to mention this detail. However, you shouldn’t use just any email. Similar like with names, it is not good to use the email that has some nicknames in it.It is a better choice to make one business email with your full name, or if your name is long, you can use a bit shorter version. Just as it is done in the example WrongAs for email providers, you should only use very common ones, such as Yahoo, Google, and Hotmail.They are the most kn own and used some others would be considered a bit riskier and unprofessional, which is what you are trying to avoid.Social Media profilesAh, the age of the internet! You can’t go anywhere or do anything, without at least one person mentioning some social media platform or ask you to share your social media profiles.Even modern business is closely linked to certain social media networks, such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.Therefore, it is only natural to ask yourself whether you should share your social media profiles in your resume or not. The answer is both yes and no.Depending on the job position you are applying for, it would be a good idea to include some of your social media profiles, such as Facebook or Instagram if we take Digital Marketing expert position.However, before you do that, you should make your profiles look professional and not sloppy. You need to “lead by example”, so to say.If they see that your own profile is well-organized and neat, that could tell them that you will do the same with the company’s profile.In other cases, adding social media profiles might not be necessary.Except one that should always be included in your resume, which is a LinkedIn profile, which is a social media network for business people, to connect to each other and companies.One thing to note is that before adding the LinkedIn link in your resume, you should edit it to look more professional like it is shown in the table below. Right WrongA Summary Section that recruiters are looking for in a babysitter resumeWe know that we had mentioned how resumes should be as short as possible, but they should also have as much information as possible.Sometimes, some parts of your resume can contain a lot of information, so it is a good idea to write a summary of your most important points in just a couple of sentences.In this section, you should share some of your previous jobs, your personal experience, skills you have and situations you can work in, as well as some achievements you might have picked up along the way. Let’s check the example in the table to clarify.SUMMARYA 22-years-old babysitter with over 3 years of experience in working with children from age 1-7, capable of entertaining children, by signing with them, playing some funny games or simply make funny faces for them to laugh at. Have all important skills regarding children and baby safety, as well as skills needed to take care of babies, such as changing diapers, feeding them, helping them fall asleep. RightSUMMARYBabysitter with over 3 years of experience. WrongAs you can see in the example above, the summary in the left column is a bit extensive, but it’s within the margin, so it can be considered neither too big nor too small. It shows some basic information about the applicant’s experience and skills regarding previous jobs.The summary in the right column literall y tells us nothing.The chance is that at least 80% of the applicants will have the same summary, so this one cannot make your resume look good and stand out of the crowd.Therefore, it is a good idea to take your time, write some core skills and experience you previously had.If you don’t have any, you can put some school or university achievements, titles and GPA score, as well as some other skills that might be useful for the job you are applying for.HOW TO WRITE A GOOD BABYSITTER EXPERIENCE SECTION QUICKLYIn the experience section, you should write your previous or current jobs, if you had some, or simply some volunteering work or internships if you are a fresh graduate.A proper way of writing the Experience section is by doing it in the reverse-chronological order, meaning that you would first write your latest job, and finish with your first job as shown in the example. Right WrongAnother thing to notice from the example is that you should write some points about each job.Tell what you did, what tasks you had, how did you do it and what skills you used to improve the efficiency of your job. It can simply be a small description or a bullet point list.GUIDE ON WRITING THE EDUCATION SECTIONAfter finishing with the experience section, you should go a step back and write something about your education. The principle is the same.First, write your highest completed education, then finish with the lowest. In this case, you don’t even have to put all the schools, sometimes it is enough to put just the highest, especially if you already have some working experience. Right WrongAs seen in the table above, you should also write something about your school achievements, performance or activities that you might have participated while being in that school.You could also share your GPA score if it was good or share if you had made it onto the Dean’s list multiple times.SKILLS THAT YOU NEED TO INCLUDE IN YOUR BABYSITTER RESUMEWhen it comes to the skills section, you should avoid putting all kinds of skills you might have.Instead, think about what skills are important for the job you are applying for and put those skills to be seen. For instance, being familiar with JavaScript is practically useless when it comes to babysitting, so there is really no reason to put it on the list.Yes, it is great to have a lot of skills but remember, you need to keep resume as short as possible. So, putting any unnecessary information would just make that harder to be done.Also, try separating skills into categories, and use bulleting lists, making it easier for recruiter s to check it out and compare skills you have with the skills they need for the job at the question. Right WrongTIPS TRICKS TO ENSURE YOU GET THAT INTERVIEW INVITATIONThat would be everything for the main part of the guide on how to write a perfect babysitter resume.Now, let’s cover some general tips and tricks regarding resumes, in order to help you understand the concept even better.Picking a font â€" the first thing you need to do when you open a document and start writing your resume is picking the best font style for your resume. In general, you want to make your resume look as professional as possible, and to reflect your personality at the same time. Picking the right font can help you do that. However, it is not a good idea to use handwritten font styles, because they are much harder to read, so it could really annoy the recruiters.Optimal resume size â€" as said above, the best resumes are the short, but informative ones. Thinking that big resumes would increase your chances of getting the job is an illusion. Shorter and better-organized resumes, with more quality content, a re way more important when it comes to getting the job. The usual practice is to make resumes that are around one or a maximum of two pages in length. Therefore, you need to be careful not to put any unnecessary information.Making the best use of bulleting lists â€" one good way to add more quality content, without sacrificing too many spaces is to include bulleting lists in your resume. By using lists, you can write much more information and make it look more professional and easier to read, which is something that every recruiter would welcome with open hands.Picking the right file format â€"the first time, file format might seem trivial, but it is, in fact, a very important piece of the puzzle when it comes to making a perfect resume. There are two best choices: .txt and .pdf formats. While text format is easier to be edited, the better option of those two is .pdf format, simply because it looks neater and more professional. So, our advice is that you always have a resume kept in both formats. Use .txt one to edit what you need and then convert it to .pdf before you send it with the job application.Picking the right template â€" your resume is your business card, it should represent your personality and business skills. Having a nice resume template helps with that. Depending on the template style, recruiters can guess what kind of person you are, and nice-looking resumes are always more appealing than blank and boring resumes covered with text on a white sheet of paper. There are a lot of resume templates out there, but if you want, you can simply use our resume template creator and make your resume in a very short time.Regular email check â€" we had already mentioned how emails are an important part of business communication nowadays. Therefore, when you apply for a job, you should regularly check your email and see if you got some answer from the company. Also, don’t forget to check the Spam folder, since some very important messages could end up there and you don’t want to miss your chance of getting a job because of bad message placement.Revisiting your resume after completion â€" when you finish writing your resume, it would be a good idea to re-read it and pretend to be a recruiter. That way, you can notice if you had missed anything important and fix it. That would make your resume look more professional and complete, leaving you without the need to worry about any missing information. A completely polished resume is a perfect resume.Political opinion: include or not? â€" you might be in a political party, you might have worked on some political projects and stuff. But do not include that in your resume. Yes, if a recruiter is a member of the same party, you could benefit and you could have a higher chance of getting the job. However, if it is not the case, you might lose that chance for good. Are you willing to risk it? You really shouldn’t be. You can never know what other people like and think, what are their politica l opinions, or whether their opinions match yours. In those cases, people might lose objectivity, so it is better not to mention any of it in your resume.Use of proper grammar â€" using proper grammar when writing a resume is imperative. There is no recruiter in the world, who would accept people with sloppy grammar if we talk about some corporate jobs. Even on other types of jobs, like a babysitter, it is important to show that you have the basic knowledge of grammar. After all, you need to be able to properly communicate with parents and even a child, if it is a bit older.Regular resume updates â€" over time people learn new things, acquire a new set of skills and gain some experience. If you always want to be ready to apply for any job, you should regularly update your resume, by adding all those things, so you could always have a finished resume, in case some nice chance pops up.CONCLUSIONThat would be it, folks! Today we saw how babysitter resume should look like.We explained a ll parts of the resume and what piece of information you should put in each of them and what information you should avoid sharing there.After that, we finished with some tips and tricks that might prove useful if you are applying for a job and need to write your resume.What remains now, is for you to go out and make that resume, so you could start babysitting those kids. By now, you should have the basic knowledge on how to do that.However, if you are still feeling a bit unsure about some parts of the resume, feel free to use our online resume builder, with which you will be able to create your resume in a very short time.It is simple, you just need to fill in the necessary information and you are ready and set to take that job for yourself. Create your own resume or use our template

Thursday, May 21, 2020

A Short Note On Ethical Issues And Dilemmas - 966 Words

E. Ethical Issues and Dilemmas Unfortunately, SCD rarely affects the wealthy or the majority racial/ethnic group. SCD mostly affects people of African descent and most often they come from lower socioeconomic group. A study conducted on caregivers of children with SCD showed that 61% of the caregiver’s highest level of education was a high school diploma. As we are all aware, the U.S. has a history of racism. This could contribute to the amount of funding and support that research for SCD receives. In order for a pharmaceutical company to pursue research, a project must be profitable and must generate a significant amount of publicity. Therefore, drug development to meet the needs of those with SCD may be inadequate because the funders may not find it profitable or worthy. This is considered structural violence and it must stop (Bahr, 2015). There is a stigma that most SCD patients are poor, less educated, and less likely to be insured. This makes it less likely that those who decide funding will fund research devoted to this condition because doing so may not gain them profits or support among wealthy. Racial disparities among health care funders plays a big part in the influence and amount of funding that is being provided. Racial bias may influence where funding goes, whether it is intentional or not. This may be the reason that there is a lack in development of new therapies for SCD. Medical research funding is primarily delivered by industry, government, orShow MoreRelatedManagerial Ethics: Enron Case Study1392 Words   |  6 Pagesand the principals were prosecuted. There is, in essence, no real ethical dilemma in the Enron case. A true ethical dilemma would have a dilemma component, whereas Enron was outright criminal behavior from the outset. Nevertheless, we will use this example to discuss some of the issues i n managerial ethics. 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The paper discusses a business ethic scenario and solutions to resolve the dilemma of recording unrecognized revenueRead MoreCanadian Decision Making Model For Personnel Selection1302 Words   |  6 PagesUniversity Author Note This paper was prepared for PSYC 8705, taught by Professor Dr. Leanna Parker PERSONNEL SELECTION 2 According to London and Bray 1980 as cited in Beresoff, (2003) although some situations may be constructed by the employer, the psychologist perceives and interprets the situation with restrictions that he or she believes contribute to an ethical practice. On the

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Christian Worldview From Counseling Model - 1119 Words

INTRODUCTION Death is inescapable and shows no partiality or distinction. The author had his first encounter with death when he was four years old. About ten years later he would lose his mother to diabetes. Eighteen years later death struck again. He lost his dad to a battle with cancer over the course of four months. This happened two weeks prior to his wedding. Ten months later the author would deal with the deal of his mother-in-law. It is safe to assume that the author is no stranger to death. He has seen many people close to him grieve. He has noticed that everyone grieves differently. He understands the need for God’s grace in the midst of grief to get one through the stages of grief. This paper will attempt to construct a Christian worldview from which counseling model will be developed. An assessment of basic skill will be conducted before bereavement is discussed. This paper seeks to offer some insight into Bereavement and Christian counseling. CHRISTIAN WORLDVIEW AND COUSELING MODEL Developing a Christian Worldview A worldview is a set of assumptions or presuppositions that an individual constructs to answer questions about life. Ones worldview is found at the center of their being. Many compare a worldview to glasses, which provide the lenses through which one views the world. These lenses allow one to answer what Leroy Forelines refers to as â€Å"the inescapable questions of life.† Forlines suggests, â€Å"It is impossible for us to escape asking suchShow MoreRelatedFree Essay Is a Scam1711 Words   |  7 Pagesperson as an aggregation of atoms, an open biochemical system in interaction with the environment, a specimen of homo sapiens, an object of beauty, someone who needs deserve my respect and compassion, a brother for whom Christ died. Myers believes Christians must appreciate the essential role of science in nuturing curiosity and humility. This will put a wrongheaded notion about existence to an empirical test. The levels-of-explanation view believes humans are best understood in terms of hierarchy ofRead MoreIntegrative Approaches Of Psychology And Christianity1495 Words   |  6 Pages Summary â€Å"Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity, An Introduction to Worldview Issues, Philosophical Foundations and Models of Integration† is a book written by David N. Entwistle that offers insight and awareness to the relationship between psychology and theology. Psychology and theology share a common interest in the nature and purpose of human beings. This book introduces worldview issues and a philosophical source that provides a framework of the relationship between the scienceRead MoreEssay about 4-Mat Review Entwistle1220 Words   |  5 PagesIntegrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity Summary In his book Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity, David N. Entwistle explores the necessity of integrating psychology and Christianity, the worldview issues, philosophical foundations, models of integration and discusses the difficulty in doing so. It is often thought that there are secular jobs, such as a psychologist or counselor, and there are ministry jobs. Entwistle points out that God has gifted each with abilitiesRead More4 Mat Review Essay1023 Words   |  5 PagesApproaches to Psychology and Christianity argue ways that one can embrace psychology into the Christian world. The church has always been a dominant part of society. As Christians we all have precise worldview. Our worldview is based upon the Christian belief system. As Christians we yearn for ways to use our abilities to do good things that please our Lord and Savior. Psychology is not integrated into our worldview to increase sin but to be a source of guidance. The goal is to abolish sin and give supportRead MorePsychology And Christianity By David Entwistle1621 Words   |  7 Pagesaddressed worldview issues, theoretical foundations and the models of integration. One subject that I enjoyed reviewing was the comparisons that Enwistle displayed of the relationship of psychology and theology throughout the class text. Additionally, Entwistle offered information that displayed how the two are both designed by God and that God is the creator of all truth. (Entwistle, p.150, 2010).Thus, the author attempted to show the reader various examined claims and tensions that resulted from theseRead MoreThe Differences Between Secular And Sacred Understandings940 Words   |  4 Pagescorrelation with the rejection of psychology as a way to â€Å"find health and healing in Christ† (p. 9). In the other hand the author cited Blamires different point of view which consisted in â€Å"secular thinking and Christian thinking† (p. 9), he argues that secular thinking is limited to earthly life and Christian thinking on eternal life as a child of God. After explaining the differences between secular and sacred views, Entwislte (2015) suggested that comments on what way is better or not are irrelevant as â€Å"allRead More4-Mat Review System: Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity1397 Words   |  6 PagesJerusalem to help the reader to grasp the theme of the book. Athens represents knowledge through human reason and Jerusalem represents faith. The idea of secular thinking and Christian thinking by Harry Blamers are also examined (Entwistle, 2010). The text defines secular thinking as restricted limits within earth; however Christian thinking is an eternal perspective. Entwistle states that â€Å"all truth is God’s truth† and no matter how the truth is discovered the author is God (Entwistle, 2010, pp 13). Read MorePsychology And Christianity : Integrative Approaches Essay1694 Words   |  7 Pages Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity Summary David N. Entwistle in his book titled Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity: An Introduction to Worldview Issues, Philosophical Foundations, and Models of Integration (2015) aims to address the process and purpose of integrating Christianity and Psychology. To assist in promoting the readers’ understanding of how integrating Christianity and Psychology can be practiced, andRead MoreA Reflective Paper On Integration852 Words   |  4 PagesReflective Paper: Integration There will come a day when facing a person who is suffering guilt or shame and their confession will then require a process for helping. The Spirit of Truth must be central in that decision and thus the use of Christian Psychology is my current integrative position. Historic Foundation Understanding human beings according to historic Christianity is a foundation of this view (Johnson, 2010 p. 155). There is evidence of psychology embedded in the wisdom of ScriptureRead More4-Mat Review1270 Words   |  6 Pagesis attainable, desirable, or necessary (p. 16). The author points out that regardless of the discipline being discussed, everyone formulates their belief system based on their own particular worldview. Entwistle cites a definition of worldview given by James Sire which is particularly apt: â€Å"A worldview is a set of presuppositions, (assumptions which may be true, partially true or entirely false) which we hold (consciously or subconsciously, consistently or inconsistently) about the basic make-up

Animal Farm Free Essays

Animal Farm Free Essays Animal Farm Essay â€Å"Without Squealer the pigs would never have been in such a powerful position. † To what extent do you agree? George Orwell’s â€Å"Animal Farm† is a complex novel, which explores in depth the motions of leaders and the leaded, and how the human condition affects our own moral thinking. On Animal Farm the pigs are stated as the higher, wiser animals on Animal Farm and the major decisions on the farm were made by them and then justified by squealer the persuasive politician-like pig. We will write a custom essay sample on Animal Farm or any similar topic only for you Order Now Natural authority creates the position the pigs are in, which is against the original ideas of Old Major and his ideology of â€Å"All animals are equal†. But is the position the pigs are in maintained by Squealers persuasive ways? I believe that the pigs are originally created higher than the other pigs as their knowledge is greater than any other animal, which results in natural leadership over Animal Farm. Squealer â€Å"Who could turn black into white† is Napoleons greatest asset in his plot to control animal farm. He convinces every animal on the farm that Napoleons actions are always right. As the rules change on Animal Farm Squealer is sent to the other animals to justify the changes or reminds them that those rules were always there. Squealer is thought of as a politician trying to convince another party that there parties ideals are right although on Animal Farm the other animals aren’t smart enough to debate the witty arguments Squealer presents. Limiting the terms of debate and creating a â€Å"right or wrong† argument creates greater control over the animals and less rebuttal. Squealers complicated language makes the Animals uneasy and they agree in doubt. Squealers name also suits him as to squeal depicts his vocal manor in his job for Napoleon. Orwell starts the book of as a dream for a better future for the animals on the farm where all animals are equal. How to cite Animal Farm, Papers Animal Farm Free Essays Those in power will inevitably become corrupt. To what extent do you agree? George Rowel’s novel, Animal Farm shows the overlaying theme of the corruption of power. Power, more often than not, causes the bearer to become corrupt, which causes them to lose most sense, besides that, which will get them more power. We will write a custom essay sample on Animal Farm or any similar topic only for you Order Now In the beginning of the novel we are introduced to Old Major. He holds power on Manor Farm. Old Major uses his power to introduce Minimalism and the Seven Commandments. He dies before we can see if his power corrupts would him. Napoleon who takes control of the farm next lives throughout the book therefore we see the corruption of his high status of power. One other animal that we see have the status of power is Boxer. He doesn’t have the same type of power as the other two animals nor would he use it in the same way if he had. Boxer is one example of someone who has power but doesn’t let it corrupt him. Power can only corrupt you If you let It. Power contains many factors In the lead up to corruption. Animal Farm shows the how depending on your nature and what you do and treat your power; It will change whether for the good or the bad. Old Major is the power head at the beginning of the novel. He is well respected among the other animals to which they are â€Å"happy to lose an hour’s sleep in order to hear what he had to say†. At the time Old Major is one of the smartest if not the smartest animal on the farm therefore he is able to use his power to easily convince the other animals of the idea of minimalism and starting a rebellion. He thought that all animals needed to unite under one ruler ship – Minimalism – and that they needed to usurp the humans because man is the problem for all animals. In his speech he sees the propaganda In order to persuade them. He outlines that their lives are â€Å"miserable, laborious and short†. Propaganda would only work if there was a level of power. Old Major uses his level of power and Intellect to get the animals to do what he says and to follow his Ideas whether they are right or wrong. Old Major’s power didn’t live long enough for his power to corrupt him, however he did use his power to get rid of those whose power had corrupted them – Mr. Jones. For a short period after his death – until Napoleon, the next power head, steps up – his power is still ensured which leads the rebellion and the first strands of life on the newly named Animal Farm. Not long after the death of Old Major, Napoleon steps up as the unofficial leader because at that stage It Is thought to have equality with all animals. The idea that ‘all animals are equal but some are more equal than others’, Isn’t about Just yet. Napoleon was always a respected person. He has a â€Å"reputation for getting his own way’, which provided him with a small level of power. There Is a saying that reads, ‘knowledge Is power and power Is knowledge’. We see It many times In Animal Farm, miming from Napoleon’s character. One example of this is when, after the dogs give this because they don’t feel that anything is wrong because the face that they are being shown isn’t the honest one. When it is too late, it is discovered that the puppies were taught about the ways of Napoleon and therefore grew up and turned corrupt, which happened to Napoleon after his status of power had gotten to be too much that it turned him corrupt. â€Å"Napoleon is always right†, is a saying that is continuous after animal equality is broken. This is built on fear, lies and injustice. On the outside Napoleon cares about the revolution and keeping Mr. Jones off the farm. However, looks can be deceiving. He cares more about maintaining his power and making sure his power is rising higher and higher that he doesn’t care what he uses and says to get there. Napoleon uses the other animals’ fear of Jones to get them to do what he wants. Napoleon lets his power corrupt him and doesn’t seem to notice or care about the consequences of his actions which is an attribute of a terrible leader and person that holds power. Napoleon was a harsh, unjust and corrupt holder of power. But not all people who old power are corrupt or are even that obvious that they hold power. An example of this is Boxer. He holds a level of power not to the extent of Napoleon or even Old Major however it is still there. Power isn’t Just about having control over people it is, power can also be having an influence on a group of people – or in this case animals – or having people look up to you as an inspiration. Boxer has this type of power. He has a big influence on the other animals especially the smaller ones that feel they are looked down upon. Where Napoleon sends other animals to kill a fellow, Boxer is overwhelmed with distress at the prospect of killing someone even if that someone is a human. â€Å"Nothing could have been achieved without Boxer. † Boxer isn’t one of those people who crave power, in fact shied away from it at most. He sat quietly and did his work no matter the conditions or complications he worked until he literally couldn’t stand anymore. Boxer is one to prove that not everyone in power will become corrupt. It Just depends on your morals and what type of person you are and the things you believe in. Not everyone in power will inevitably become corrupt. How to cite Animal Farm, Papers

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Plastic Bag Usage free essay sample

Plastic bags should be banned because they affect the environment in many ways. There are many reason why they should be banned some of the reasons are because sea animals environment died because of this and it makes are oceans dirty. And I am going to tell you why plastic bags should be banned. Plastic bags disrupt the environment in a serious way. They get into soil and slowly release toxic chemicals. Plastic bags are affecting the environment because animals eat them and often choke and die. Plastic bags end up in landfills or floating around in the environment. It takes hundreds of years for plastic bags to decompose and while they do they release toxins into our soil, lakes, rivers, and oceans. A way to reduce plastic use is to never litter and always dispose of trash properly. Plastic absorb, toxic chemicals, which can be dangerous to fish and other sea life that ingest them. We will write a custom essay sample on Plastic Bag Usage or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Plastic bags pollute our oceans and kill sea turtles in particular. They are often mistaken for food by dolphins, whales, and sea birds. Plastic bags cause over 100,000 sea turtles and other animal deaths every year nearly 90 % of the debris in our ocean is plastic. We could reduce plastic usage by recycling plastics whenever possible. Plastic debris affects wildlife, human health, and the environment. Petroleum is required to produce plastic bags. Petroleum produce are diminishing and getting more expensive because we have used this non-renewable resource increasingly. Plastic bags are a huge waist and a huge polluter to our oceans. Some cities have taxed plastic bags or even banned them. People want plastic bags to get banned because they are polluting the ocean. People think that banning plastic bags will make oceans cleaner. Plastic bags should be banned because they affect the environment and many ways. They should be banned because sea animals choke on them. They should be banned because animals are going extinct. I think if plastic bags are banned there will be less extinct to sea animals and the oceans will be cleaner.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Unprepaired Graduets essays

Unprepaired Graduets essays Why is it that nearly 30 percent of college freshmen have to take some type of remedial class? These extra courses are costing Tennessee tax payers millions of dollars a year to keep up and running. Some students would say that they do not take test well, despite making As and Bs in every Math or English class in high school. Some students are just not ready for basic college classes. In the near future, those that do not score high enough on certain test will find themselves with no chance of going to a four year institution until they complete the required remedial courses. The question is why are some high school graduates have to take remedial classes? There are three reasons why I think students have to take some type of remedial class. I think that high school athletes are put on a pedestal and teachers find themselves giving those students grades that they really dont deserve. Next, some schools do not have classes that help students prepare for the act or sat test. The last reason why students are not ready for basic college classes deals with the lack of teachers in certain school systems. The first reason why some high school students are not prepared for college is some students are given more slack by teachers on the subject of doing and turning in Work. Some athletes are given special privileges by teachers when it comes to turning in work and reporting to class on time. At some schools athletes are given a chance to turn Work in late just because they had a ball game the prior night. Sometimes athletes do not have to turn in any major work at all; therefore they are not learning as much as the other students in the class. My sophomore year their where five football players in my English class and they hardly did any work. The star running back was one of the five players that were in the class. This guy should up late to class ever ...

Monday, March 2, 2020

Dorothy Dandridge, First Oscar-Nominated Black Actress

Dorothy Dandridge, First Oscar-Nominated Black Actress Dorothy Dandridge (Nov. 9, 1922–Sept. 8, 1965) had everything it took to succeed in 1950s Hollywood- she could sing, dance, and act, and was beautiful- but she was born black. Despite the biased era in which she lived, Dandridge became the first black woman to grace the cover of Life magazine and to receive an Academy Award nomination for best actress in a major motion picture. Fast Facts: Dorothy Dandridge ï » ¿Known For: Groundbreaking black actor, singer, dancerBorn: Nov. 9, 1922 in Cleveland, OhioParents: Ruby and Cyril DandridgeDied: Sept. 8, 1965 in Hollywood, CaliforniaAwards and Honors: Academy Award nomination, Golden GlobeSpouse(s): Harold Nicholas, Jack DenisonChildren: LynnNotable Quote: If I were white, I could capture the world. Early Life When Dorothy Dandridge was born in Cleveland, Ohio, on Nov. 9, 1922, her parents had already separated. Dorothy’s mother, Ruby Dandridge, was five months pregnant when she left her husband Cyril, taking their older daughter Vivian with her.  Ruby believed her husband was a spoiled mamas boy who would never leave his mother’s house, so she left. Ruby supported her daughters with domestic work. Dorothy and Vivian displayed an early talent for singing and dancing and began performing at local theaters and churches when Dorothy was 5. Ruby’s friend Geneva Williams, moved in, and although she taught the girls to play the piano, she pushed them hard and cruelly punished them. Ruby never noticed. Years later, Vivian and Dorothy figured out that Williams was their mothers lover. She and Williams labeled Dorothy and Vivian The Wonder Children. They moved to Nashville, and Dorothy and Vivian signed with the National Baptist Convention to tour churches throughout the South. The Wonder Children toured for three years, attracting regular bookings and earning a solid income, but Dorothy and Vivian wearied of the act and long hours practicing. They had no time for activities normal for youngsters their age. Lucky Breaks The Great Depression dried up bookings, so Ruby moved them to Hollywood. where Dorothy and Vivian enrolled in dance classes. When Ruby heard the girls and a dance school friend sing together, she knew they were a great team. Now known as The Dandridge Sisters, their big break came in 1935 when they appeared in the Paramount musical The Big Broadcast of 1936. In 1937, they had a small part in the Marx Brothers film A Day at the Races. In 1938 the trio appeared in Going Places, performing Jeepers Creepers with Louis Armstrong, and was booked at New Yorks Cotton Club.  Williams and the girls moved there, but her mother, having found small acting jobs, stayed in Hollywood. In Cotton Club rehearsals, Dorothy met Harold Nicholas of the Nicholas Brothers dance team and they began dating. The Dandridge Sisters were a hit and attracted lucrative offers. Perhaps to get Dorothy away from Nicholas, Williams signed them for a European tour. They dazzled European audiences, but the tour was shortened by World War II. The Dandridge Sisters returned to Hollywood, where the Nicholas Brothers were filming. Dorothy resumed her romance with Nicholas. The Dandridge Sisters performed a few more engagements but eventually split up. Dorothy then began to work on a solo career. Hard Lessons Hoping to succeed without help from her mother or Williams, Dandridge landed small parts in low-budget films, including Four Shall Die (1940), Lady From Louisiana (1941), and Sundown (1941), and sang and danced with the Nicholas Brothers to Chattanooga Choo Choo† in Sun Valley Serenade (1941) with the Glenn Miller Band. Dandridge refused demeaning roles offered to black actors- savages, slaves, or servants- but the sisters worked steadily. They both married in 1942, with 19-year-old Dorothy Dandridge wedding 21-year-old Nicholas on Sept. 6. After a life of hard work, all she wanted was to be the ideal wife. Nicholas started taking long trips, however, and when he was home he spent his time playing golf or philandering. Dandridge blamed her sexual inexperience for Nicholass infidelity. When she happily discovered she was pregnant, she believed Nicholas would settle down. Dandridge, 20, delivered a lovely daughter, Harolyn (Lynn) Suzanne Dandridge, on Sept. 2, 1943. She was a loving mother, but as Lynn grew, Dandridge sensed something was wrong. Her hyper 2-year-old cried constantly and didnt interact with people. Lynn was deemed developmentally disabled, likely due to lack of oxygen during birth. During this troublesome period, Nicholas was often physically and emotionally unavailable. In 1949, she obtained a divorce, but Nicholas avoided paying child support. Now a single mother, Dandridge reached out to her mother and Williams to care for Lynn until she could stabilize her career. Club Scene Dandridge loathed nightclub performing but knew an immediate, substantial movie role was unlikely. She contacted an arranger she had worked with at the Cotton Club, who helped her become a sultry, dazzling performer. She was mostly well received but learned that racism in many places, including Las Vegas, was as bad as in the Deep South. Being black, she couldnt share a bathroom, lobby, elevator, or swimming pool with whites. Even when she was headlining, her dressing room was usually a janitors closet or dingy storage room. But critics raved about her performances. She opened at the famed Mocambo Club in Hollywood and was booked in New York, becoming the first African-American to stay in and perform at the Waldorf Astoria. Club dates gave Dandridge publicity to land film work. Bit parts flowed in, but Dandridge had to compromise her standards, agreeing in 1950 to play a jungle queen in Tarzan’s Peril. Finally, in August 1952, Dandridge got the lead in MGMs Bright Road, an all-black production about a Southern schoolteacher. She was ecstatic about her role, the first of three film appearances she made with Harry Belafonte- who eventually became a close friend. Stardom Good reviews earned an even greater prize. The lead in the 1954 movie Carmen Jones, based on the opera Carmen, called for a sultry vixen. Dandridge was neither. Director Otto Preminger reportedly thought she was too classy to play Carmen. Dandridge donned a wig, a low-cut blouse, a seductive skirt, and heavy make-up. When she entered Premingers office the next day, he reportedly yelled, Its Carmen! Carmen Jones opened on Oct. 28, 1954, and was a smash. Dandridges performance made her the first black woman on the cover of Life magazine. Then she learned of her Academy Award nomination for best actress. No other African-American had earned that distinction. After 30 years in show business, Dorothy Dandridge was a star. At the Academy Award ceremony on March 30, 1955, Dandridge shared the nomination with Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, Jane Wyman, and Judy Garland. Though Kelly won for her role in The Country Girl, Dandridge at 32 had broken through Hollywoods glass ceiling. Tough Decisions While Carmen Jones was filming, Dandridge began an affair with Preminger, who was separated but still married. In 1950s America, interracial romance was taboo, and Preminger was careful to show only a business interest in her publicly. In 1956, she was offered the supporting role of slave girl Tuptim in The King and I, but Preminger advised against it. She regretted turning it down when The King and I became enormously successful. Dandridges relationship with Preminger soon soured. She was pregnant, but he refused to get a divorce. He broke off their relationship and Dandridge had an abortion to avoid scandal. Afterward, Dandridge was seen with many white co-stars. Anger over her dating â€Å"out of her race† flooded the media. In 1957, a tabloid reported on a tryst between her and a Lake Tahoe man.  Dandridge testified in court that such a liaison was impossible because a curfew for people of color confined her to her room. She won a $10,000 settlement. Bad Choices Two years after Carmen Jones, Dandridge returned to acting. Fox cast her alongside Belafonte in Island in the Sun, a controversial movie dealing with interracial relationships. She protested the dispassionate love scene with her white co-star, but the producers were nervous. The film was successful but deemed nonessential by critics. Dandridge was frustrated. She couldnt find opportunities to showcase her talents and her career lost momentum. While the United States pondered race issues, Dandridges manager Earl Mills secured a role for her in the French film Tamango. The movie, which portrayed her in steamy love scenes with blond co-star Curd Jurgens, was a hit in Europe but wasnt shown in America until four years later. In 1958, Dandridge was chosen to play a native girl in The Decks Ran Red. Like Tamango, it was considered unremarkable. Dandridge was desperate, so when she was offered the lead in a major production of Porgy and Bess in 1959, she jumped at it. The characters were stereotypes- drunks, drug addicts, rapists, and other undesirables- that she had avoided her entire career, yet she was tormented by her refusal to appear in The King and I. Against the advice of Belafonte, who turned down Porgy, Dandridge accepted the role of Bess. Her performance won a Golden Globe, but the film didnt live up to the hype.   Hitting Bottom Dandridge married restaurant owner Jack Denison on June 22, 1959. Dandridge loved his attention, but his restaurant was failing, so she agreed to perform there to attract business. Mills, now her former manager, warned against it, but she listened to Denison. Dandridge soon discovered that Denison was physically abusive. Adding insult to injury, an investment she had made turned out to be a scam. Dandridge was broke. She began drinking heavily while taking anti-depressants. She finally kicked Denison out of her Hollywood Hills home and filed for divorce in November 1962. Dandridge, who earned $250,000 the year she married Denison, filed for bankruptcy after losing everything. Things got worse. She hadnt paid her daughters caretaker for two months, so she was caring for Lynn, now 20, violent, and unmanageable. No longer able to afford private care, she had to commit Lynn to the state mental hospital. Increasingly desperate, Dandridge contacted Mills, who agreed to manage her again and help her regain her health. He got her into a health spa in Mexico and planned several nightclub engagements there. By most accounts, Dandridge was coming back strong, receiving enthusiastic responses for the Mexican performances. She was scheduled for a New York engagement but fractured her foot on a flight of stairs while in Mexico. The doctor recommended having a cast placed on her foot. Death On the morning of Sept. 8, 1965, back in Hollywood, Dandridge asked Mills to reschedule the appointment for her cast so she could get more sleep. When he went to pick her up that afternoon, he found her on the bathroom floor, dead at age 42. Her death was initially attributed to a blood clot from her fractured foot, but an autopsy revealed a lethal dose of the anti-depressant Tofranil. Whether the overdose was accidental or intentional remains unknown. Legacy Dandridges last wishes, left in a note given to Mills months before her death, were for all her belongings to go to her mother. Despite her Life magazine cover, her Oscar nomination, her Golden Globe, and her extensive body of work, only $2.14 remained in her bank account after her death. Sources Dorothy Dandridge: American Singer and Actress. Encyclopedia Britannica.Dorothy Dandridge Biography.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Hong Kong Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Hong Kong Market - Essay Example The paper tells that market research is understood to be a scientific process concerned with gathering and processing critical information, which can be used in marketing management decisions. Due to this, marketing research is considered a critical part of a marketing intelligence system that in most cases functions to improve management decisions using timely, relevant, and accurate information. Marketing research has become popular in many organizations due to perceived benefits the process is seen to generate. For instance, smart organizations have been able to achieve and sustain their competitive advantage by using market information in the most creative manner. Moreover, organizations that adequately satisfy the needs of their consumers have done so by intelligently and creatively using appropriate market research information. Therefore, at this point it can be stated that market research is critical in the modern world especially in the age of globalization and increased cons umerism. Consumers in Hong Kong, just like consumers in other societies are likely to exhibit varied behaviors with regard to consumption. Although consumption is an aspect that is synonymous with all societies, numerous evidences have shown that societies across cultures differ in terms of consumption behavior, consumption pattern, and the overall consumption culture. This is to say, consumption behaviors exhibited by consumers in Hong Kong are likely to differ to behaviors exhibited by consumers in other regions. ... erous evidences have shown that societies across cultures differ in terms of consumption behavior, consumption pattern, and the overall consumption culture (Hoyer and Macinnis, 2009). This is to say, consumption behaviors exhibited by consumers in Hong Kong are likely to differ to behaviors exhibited by consumers in other regions. Therefore, the discovery makes it virtually impossible to generalize consumer behavior across cultures. As a result, introducing a new flavor of soft drink in Hong Kong market will require the company to undertake a detailed market research that aims to identify specific consumer behaviors that are likely to influence or impact the marketing process. Accurate intelligence information about how consumers in Hong Kong consumer products in terms of beliefs, values, demographic factors, socio-economic aspects, cultural issues, lifestyles, and many more (Hoyer and Macinnis 2009). This is critically important since such information will help the management team o f the company to initiate appropriate strategies of marketing for the new product to succeed in the new market. Marketing Research Design In order to successfully carry out market research, the researchers have to develop and implement the most appropriate research design techniques. Consequently, the usefulness of research project is likely to be realized when there is evidence of quality of research design, coupled with appropriate data collection and analysis process based on the design. Research design in marketing research involves identifying the best research methods that are appropriate in obtaining the required data (Churchill and Lacobucci, 2009). As a result, validity and reliability of data to be collected, which is critical in research process depends a lot on the type of

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Forensically investigating a security breach while balancing the need Research Paper - 1

Forensically investigating a security breach while balancing the need for business continuity and rapid return to normalcy within the organization - Research Paper Example Stuxnet attack exposes non-availability of mechanisms and procedures for evaluating security incidents in industrial settings (Dacer, Kargl, KÃ ¶nig & Valdes, 2014, p.62). Computer technologists are now focussing on structuring security mechanisms that assist to investigate hackers’ profiles while they are in headway, and forensic tools that assist to evaluate computer intrusion after they have transpired. By employing botnet detection tool, one can know about the information about the hacker. For instance, botsniffer and BotMiner tools are used to know about intrusion when they are in active stage (Filippoupolitis, Loukas & Kapetanakis 2014). The science which is used to recognise, evaluate, uphold, document and elucidating information and evidence from electronic and digital tools and it is intended to safeguard the privacy of the computer users from being attacked or exploited is known as computer forensics. Forensic experts have an onus to their client to show attention about the information and data to be identified that can become probable corroboration , particularly , it can acts as digital proof in investigation and can help to initiate legal action against attackers. Speed of the attack is directly associated with high level IT skill of the attacker. Further, a highly skilled attacker may leave no tracks or commit misstates as contrasted to not experienced attacker. Further, the tracks or traces left by the attacker will offer clue about the attacker. A well-experienced attacker will remove log files whereas a less experienced attacker may not delete log files (Filippoupolitis, Loukas & Kapetanakis 2014). By engaging a well-experienced external forensic investigator, a company can know the nature of the data exposure. External consultants like Ernst & Young (E&Y) can use their expertise to recover the deleted logs and files, is well-versed in the novel procedures employed by hackers, and is well-experienced in

Friday, January 24, 2020

Gender Representation in Advertising Essay -- Marketing Gender Role

Gender Representation in Advertising The roles of males and females in society have significantly changed, as opposed to the predominant roles in our history. In the modern culture of today, women have begun to break out of the mold that which society has placed her in. This much can’t be said when it comes to modern gender representation in mass media advertising. It can be safe to state that woman are seen as sexual, fragile, exotic—whereas men are portrayed as tough, in control, and aggressive. This trend can be one seen as an inhibitor to the advancement of our culture, because especially for women, it is hard to pull away from the stereotypes that are continuously represented. As examples of the given trend, the following images help to reinforce. As an advertisement for Michael Kors apparel, the first image immediately gives off a sexual energy. The model is presented in a very suggestive pose, with her bare legs spread apart, only wearing a long sleeved tunic. The message to the viewing public is clear—these are the kind of woman that wear this apparel, and if you wish to look like her, buy Michael Kors. As a re-iteration of presented thesis, sexuality and a woman’s body image is manifested throughout the ad. The physical beauty of this individual is the central focus. The following image continues in the line of sex appeal with a makeup ad. A bold caption reads â€Å"Eye Candy†, with the model in a very suggestive position and expression. A question that comes to mind when viewing this image is—who is this ad really geared towards? It would be assumed that a makeup ad would be created to attract females, so why would it need to be sexual? What this ad really attracts is the male eye, and woman realiz... ...wage gap of 77%, with females only making on average of 77% what a male makes. On the other hand, the number of women-owned firms in the United States has doubled in number from 1987 to 1999, according to a study by the National Foundation for Women Business Owners, which is a positive aspect. In light of all this, I believe that if advertisers tried something new by not using sexuality to sell a product, it might turn over a whole new leaf. Works Cited â€Å"U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 2005 Annual Social and Economic Supplement.† Infoplease. © 2000–2006 Pearson Education, publishing as Infoplease. 27 Oct. 2006 . Gettings, John, David Johnson, Borgna Brunner, and Chris Frantz. â€Å"Wonder Women Profiles of leading female CEOs and business executives† Infoplease.  © 2000–2006 27

Thursday, January 16, 2020

A Separate Peace †Denial of Truth Essay

The novel A Separate Peace focuses mainly around a 17 year old named Gene Forrester and his psychological development. The story is set in a boys boarding school in USA during World War II. There are four main boys in the novel and they all undergo major character changes through the story. One of them goes crazy, and the others experience severe attitude changes. Gene is caught right in the center of these changes. He is very close with all of the other three boys, and thus all of the changes affect him very much. Due to all the tension occurring in this novel because of the war and events going on at the school, there is a lot of denial of truth happening. Three of the four boys mentioned earlier deny the truth at sometime in the story. This denying of truth sometimes ends with the person who committed the fault in a bad condition at the end of the book, and sometimes in good condition. So it can be said that there were both positive and negative results for each of the denials of the truth, but these will be explained more in-depth in the following paragraphs. Although it starts after half the book is finished, one of the major examples of denying the truth in the novel is Finny denying the reality of the war. Though it is disclosed at the end that Finny knew all along about the war, he succeeds, after a little time, in making Gene truly believe in the non-existence of the war (although Gene claims that he did not really believe the story, his behavior around his classmates and his actions say otherwise). The first result we see of this denial is Finny’s confession of his bitterness towards the world because of his loss. This destroys the image we have of Finny as a â€Å"perfect† person because it shows that he blames the world for his accident. It also stuns Gene so much that he begins to do pull-ups, even though he has never done even ten before. With Finny’s verbal help, Gene manages to do thirty. This solidifies the friendship between them. After this moment, Finny decides to take Gene into his confidence and tells him he wanted to go to the 1944 Olympics, but that Gene will have to go instead, and goes on to start training Gene. Finally, after many mornings of hard training, Gene finally â€Å"[finds] his rhythm†. Superficially, it can be said that due to Finny’s ruse about the war, Gene became very athletic. A deeper study shows that the incident is much more meaningful than this. It symbolizes Gene coming into his own. The author writes that Finny â€Å"seemed older that morning? he seemed smaller too. Or perhaps it was only that I, inside the same body, had felt myself all at once grown bigger†. It may also be said that on this morning Finny (a model of athleticism) became part of Gene. So, it can be seen that Finny’s denying the reality of the war was truly one of the more important examples of denial of truth in the novel because it resulted in, among other things, a greater bonding between Finny and Gene and shattered the image of Finny being truly composed and serene. Another example of denial of truth would be Leper. Leper, as is obvious throughout the story, continuously denies reality. He is very often be in his own ? dream world’, and when he isn’t he is shy and hesitant to show his true feelings. This was likely because he was â€Å"difficult not to make fun of†. For example, at the beginning of the book, when he claims Gene’s jump was better than Finny’s and is rebutted by Finny, â€Å"he didn’t argue or refuse. He didn’t back away. He became inanimate†. There are also many examples of his not being conscious of his surroundings. One of them is when Gene is thinking about him when he sees him on his way to clearing railroads. Gene recalls that while most of the boys are listening to the announcements, Leper â€Å"made little sketches of birds and trees in the back of his notebook†. Then, when Gene strolls up to talk to Leper, Leper comments about skiing paths. Someone choosing to ski over helping clear a major railroad in the middle of the greatest war of all time is quite odd. He is not even skiing anywhere in particular, just skiing to see nature. He also disagrees strongly with downhill skiing, because it takes away from viewing nature. He thinks that only nature matters and the entire world is as peaceful and going as slowly as he is. Later on, when Leper is considering joining the army, we see more of this denial of reality. He chooses to join a branch of the army that he once thought â€Å"ruined† skiing. He actually believes that when he enlists he will spend all of his time skiing down slopes. This shows that he does not truly understand the seriousness of the issue. Although the positive points of Leper’s denial of truth are much smaller than the negative ones, they do exist. Due to his denial of truth early on in the book, Leper went partially insane near the end of the book, but it can be seen at many points in the book that Leper finally gained some assertiveness and shed aside his timid personality. The next example of denial of truth is Finny’s denial of the evil in other people. Finny represents the goodness that is in human beings. Because he is so good, he has difficulty understanding how other people can have evil in them. This denial of truth gets him into a sorry state at the end of the book. There is an indication of his truthfulness early on in the book, when Gene comments that â€Å"Finny always said what he happened to be thinking, and if this shocked people then he was surprised†. Finny is the guy who is always calm and nice. He is so surprised when Gene confesses to him that he purposely caused Finny to fall out of the tree that he refuses to even believe Gene, and calls him a â€Å"damn fool†. Even prior to this, when Gene sees Finny in the school infirmary, Finny tells Gene about how he thought that there might have been some foul play up in the tree when he fell, then immediately apologizes to Gene for having that feeling without even waiting for Gene to check the legitimacy of this feeling. Afterwards, on the first day of the actual school year, Finny calls Gene to talk to him. When Gene claims that he was â€Å"crazy† and â€Å"over the falls†, Finny doesn’t refute this, and even goes as far as to apologize once again for thinking that Gene was perfectly serious. With his open, honest nature, Finny cannot truly accept that Gene, who he considers his best friend, pushed him off the tree. Finny’s reluctance here can also be compared to another incident in the book. After hearing about Leper going crazy, Finny says, â€Å"I guess I always knew [about the war], but I didn’t have to admit it†. Finny knows that Gene really had caused the accident, but he refuses to admit it and represses it so much that he literally forgets about it. Thus, when Brinker organizes the trial and it is proven (with evidence from Leper) that Gene did cause him to fall, it devastates Finny, and he rushes out of the Assembly Room, slips on the marble stairs, breaks his leg, and later, dies. However, if Finny had not denied the truth about evil in others and had openly challenged Gene, then the story would be much different, and Gene would not have gone through the serious mental development that he did. The final example of denial of truth in the story is Gene’s reluctance to acknowledge the evil in him. There are many examples in the story other than Gene pushing Finny out of the tree that show the evil in Gene. Gene feels a lot of resentment towards Finny for all the things that Finny gets away with. One of these things is when Finny wears his pink emblem to school classes. He is questioned by â€Å"the sternest of the Summer Session masters, old Mr. Patch-Withers†, but gets away with it. Gene even admits that Finny’s ability to get out of trouble makes him envious, but claims that it is okay to be jealous of a friend, but the next incident proves otherwise. Finny often wears ties to replace belts, but on the day of the term tea makes the mistake of wearing the school tie as a belt. When Mr. Patch-Withers sees this, Gene â€Å"[becomes] unexpectedly excited† because â€Å"[Finny] wasn’t going to get away with it†. When Finny does not get in trouble, Gene is disappointed and says, â€Å"Phineas was going to get away with even this†. Gene’s reluctance to acknowledge the evil in him is proven later in the book when Leper says that Gene â€Å"? always [was] a savage underneath† and Gene kicks the chair out from underneath him. Gene cannot accept the truth. In this way he is similar to Finny, although the reason why is completely different. Because Gene cannot believe that there is evil in him, he tries to tell himself that everybody else is evil and thinks that everyone is out to get him. Because he believes this, when Finny breaks the school swimming record, and refuses to tell anyone or do it officially, Gene says he is â€Å"too good to be true†. This is because Finny’s behavior contradicts Gene’s perception of Finny as having evil in him and it shocks Gene. Another time when Gene’s true viewpoint is shown is when he asks Finny if he would mind if he got the highest mark in the class. Finny replies, with obvious sarcasm, â€Å"I’d kill myself out of jealous envy†, but Gene takes it completely seriously, and hides his true feelings from Finny. Gene even acknowledges that he does not know everything that there is to know about him and that there are still hidden parts of himself. But he says that these parts could contain â€Å"the Sad Sack, the outcast or the coward†. Gene does not mention the possibility of evil in him here or at any other time before Finny’s death. The good and bad points for this denial of truth are very similar to the ones for the previous example. Although Gene does not suffer for his refusal to accept the evil in him, Finny does, but only when he breaks his leg, and not when he dies. All of these people react to their various crises in different ways. For example, Leper â€Å"[emerged] from a protective cloud of vagueness only to meet it? and so give up the struggle absolutely†, while Brinker â€Å"[develops] a careless general resentment against it†. It is interesting to note that all of the examples of denial of truth in the book end with the character in question facing a total attitude change. Leper becomes partially insane and much more assertive. Gene understands his feelings much better and is a changed person. It is like when Finny died some of his serenity entered Gene. Because he denied the war’s existence, Finny caused Gene to stay away from all their other friends (Brinker, Chet, etc. ) and only talk to him. With Finny’s denying evil in other people it is a little bit more complicated. With each successive fall, it was like Finny’s character fell too. For example, after the first fall, the bitterness in Finny was shown and he also knowingly lies to Gene about the war. After the second fall, however, there is a bigger difference. He attempts to hide his pain at the ? trial’, but after falling again, he can no longer mask his anger with Gene, and shows this when Gene comes to visit him in the night. He tries to attack Gene, but cannot get out of his bed to get near him. Finny has ? fallen’ from his state of perfection and is like a normal person. He does show, however, that he still has the ability to forgive when he sees Gene for the last time.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The Scarlet Letter And The Crucible - 1169 Words

Try to imagine being charged with a crime, being placed under arrest and given a fair trial by a jury of your peers. Also imagine that you’re in the 17th century. This drastic time change makes all the difference because of the different ideologies and beliefs of the time period. The Scarlet Letter and The Crucible both take place at a time in our nation’s history that is much studied for its significance. These were times when America was just beginning to become colonized. The Scarlet Letter and The Crucible teach the readers vital information about the time period in which these texts take place. To begin with, The Scarlet Letter and The Crucible relay vital information to the reader about how rule-breakers were considered outcasts in†¦show more content†¦We also see Dimmesdale protecting his reputation when he goes and meets with Hester in secret. He never really wanted anybody to see them together for fear that somebody would make the connection. Another example is seen in The Crucible, in which John Proctor wanted to keep his reputation in check. He had also committed adultery by having an affair with a younger girl. Much like Dimmesdale, Proctor was able to keep it a secret for most of his life. We also see how important John’s reputation was to him when his life was on the line. John Proctor had a decision to make late in the story. He had to choose between his reputation and his life. John chose to be hanged rather than have his confession posted on the church door for all to see (Miller 143). These examples show how much reputations meant to the people of the time period in which these texts take place. Additionally, these texts allow for readers to gain knowledge about how punishments were done publically in order to bring shame upon the guilty party. For example, in The Scarlet Letter, Hester had to wear a scarlet letter â€Å"A† in order to make others aware of her crime (Hawthorne 51). Her scarlet letter †Å"A† displayed her crime of committing adultery. Others put her down because the letter made them aware of her action and caused them to take action avoiding her. There were times, however, that Hester would try to escape the shame caused by her letter. DuringShow MoreRelatedThe Crucible And The Scarlet Letter1130 Words   |  5 Pagespeople in society, there is a certain set of logical unspoken rules that are not written rules. The understanding and following of these rules will allow you to belong in most groups. Unspoken rules are what make a group who they are. The Crucible and The Scarlet Letter both have perfect examples for the relationship between unspoken rules and belonging. Also, these works take place in the 17th century around the same area. This creates almost the same setting for both stories where the unspoken rulesRead MoreThe Crucible And The Scarlet Letter1322 Words   |  6 PagesThe Crucible and The Scarlet Letter have several commodities in common. A ba sic summary of The Crucible is, it’s about a village, Salem, in the 1600’s, wherein witchery is loose and several conflicted souls must be captured, purified, confessed, or hung. The attempt to dispose of all witchcraft was tampered with by citizens of Salem being dishonest and deceitful. Lots of the deception stemmed from the jealousy, vengeance, and other personal vendettas. The Scarlet Letter summarized is that it is aboutRead MoreThe Scarlet Letter And The Crucible821 Words   |  4 Pagesis one that that is both emitted in the Scarlet Letter and The Crucible. Both literary works share similar ideas, but also have quite a few differences. Nathaniel Hawthorne, the writer, utilizes symbolism for the scarlet letter, to be a symbol of Hester’s shame. The embroidered â€Å"A† on Hester’s bosom symbolizes the sin of adultery which she had committed. Not only was the sign of embarrasment used but also the scaffold had great importance in the Scarlet Letter. The scaffold was used as place of humiliationRead MoreThe Crucible And The Scarlet Letter1337 Words   |  6 PagesThe Crucible and The Scarlet Letter are two literary works that helps to shape themes for generations of inquiry. The books emphasize the themes stated all throughout the deposition of the story. They were also books that spoke about a messages as the social issues were taking place during their time periods known as, ‘The Red Scare’ and ‘Puritan Takeover.’ The two books are especially interesting in the way they display these themes, while going about them differently. The Crucible focuses on theRead MoreThe Crucible And The Scarlet Letter2065 Words   |  9 PagesPuritanism as well. Both Miller and Hawthorne take negative stances against Puritanism. This can be seen in their works The Crucible and The Scarlet Letter. The Scarlet Letter deals with the Puritan intolerance of those who committed a sin. In Hester Prynne’s situat ion, her adultery with Reverend Dimmesdale seemed to have sparked a particular hatred for her within her community. The Crucible deals with the Puritan fight against witchcraft. Many people in the town are accused of being witches and are forcedRead MoreThe Scarlet Letter And The Crucible1502 Words   |  7 PagesThe Scarlet Letter and The Crucible are two stories both set in the early days of the Massachusetts colony. Both of these stories have many similarities between them, including setting, situations, and conflict. The two stories were also very different. The effects of sin on the characters, how they deal with their sin, and the consequences of their actions are different in each story. The Crucible and The Scarlet Letter are different works and although they deal with similar conflicts the consequencesRead MoreComparing the Crucible and the Scarlet Letter1071 Words   |  5 Pagesbooks. Two selections that go into detail about some of the different aspects of the Puritan people are The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, and The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne. These two particular writers who wrote of Puritan times conveyed, in their text, the similarities of religion, punishment, and adultery in the Puritan community of 17th century. br brBriefly, The Crucible looks at some the actual historical events of the Salem witch trials. It was witchcraft that the story was setRead MoreThe Scarlet Letter and the Crucible Comparison948 Words   |  4 PagesSkyler Vincent English 2333 Amanda Cuellar April 04, 2012 In The Crucible and The Scarlet Letter, they are both known to be a part of the Puritan religion. The puritans are known to be very strict. Often people are put to cruel punishments for mistakes or sins they had committed. The actions they take to â€Å"punish† a person are extreme. The Puritans act and seem so committed to their religion. The people seem â€Å"Holy† but you never really know what happens behind closed doors. The Puritan religionRead MoreScarlet Letter And The Crucible Comparison732 Words   |  3 PagesThe Comparison of The Scarlet Letter and The Crucible Both in the novel The Scarlet Letter, written by Nathaniel Hawthorne, and the play The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller, women play an important role in the story. Whether it’s for the good of the town or for the worse is the main difference in the stories. Both take a different view on women, and make them the main driving feature of the story, leading to be an interesting comparison when put side by side. In The Crucible, the women of the storyRead MoreThe Scarlet Letter vs. the Crucible Essay703 Words   |  3 PagesThe edgy tale of The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne is comparable in many ways to Arthur Miller’s haunting play The Crucible. Both are set in Puritan New England in the 17th century and revolve around the harsh law enforcement of the time. However, The Scarlet Letter tells the story of a woman as she deals with her heavy Puritan punishment, whereas The Crucible follows hysteria as it spreads throughout an entire town. Hester Prynne, the main character of The Scarlet Letter, was found guilty for